Other resources:
Also helpful (and also listed in AskIzzy) are those below:
ph: 1300 888 529 (Law Access NSW)
Domestic Violence Unit – Legal Aid NSW
The Domestic Violence Unit is a specialist domestic and family violence service at Legal Aid NSW. There is no cost involved to see lawyers or social workers. If you would like more information about the DVU and services provided by the Domestic Violence Unit, please phone 9219 6300.
ph:1800 385 578
24/7 National counselling helpline
NSW State-wide
PHONE: 1800 424 017
8am-8pm AEST, Monday – Friday
ph:1800 152 152
24/7 Link2home is the statewide homelessness information and referral telephone service. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year.
* priority should be given to women who are domestic violence victims (and their children if they have any)
*‼️💜Please Note:
If you are reluctant to ask for housing help because you are afraid of losing your children if you do so PLEASE be aware that in theory at least this should NEVER EVER happen and in fact the only consequence of becoming homeless or at risk of homelessness with children because of DV and asking for help SHOULD be that you and your children are IMMEDIATELY given safe temporary accommodation for as long as you need it or until permanent housing is available.
In reality: in the PAST traumatised women and their children sleeping rough to escape domestic violence have been separated and the abusers have been granted custody of the children (on the basis of being the parent who still had a roof over their heads plus whatever lies they told the court about the mother).
THIS SHOULD NEVER EVER HAPPEN TODAY and we are very confident that it will NOT happen to you SO ASK FOR HOUSING or accommodation ASAP to escape DV.
By all means Contact us (**or any other trusted advocate) first to step-you-through the process and support you all the way through to ensure you get the housing help you need to be safe from an abuser WITHOUT getting penalised IN ANY WAY for doing so!
But if you need alternative safe accommodation for you & your kids NOW to escape DV than PLEASE ask for housing help NOW and get our help (or another advocate’s) help afterwards to ensure your rights are upheld if you are concerned but truly, in our experience Housing NSW, DCJ Housing & FACS etc take DV and the rights of women and their children escaping DV very seriously!
So call Link2Home NOW on 1800 152 152 OR facs DV line on 1800 656 463
(Both operate 24/7)
because we can step-in the next business day or indeed at any stage of the process to ensure your rights and your children are not taken from you simply because domestic violence has exposed you to poverty and/or homelessness (but in our experience, these days facs & Housing NSW are amongst the most helpful & dedicated to women escaping DV and victims’ rights of the whole DV sector).
advoc8survivors have lived experience of domestic violence and also of narcissistic abusers and are very familiar with the ‘trapped’ feeling created by a violent & controlling man who charms the pants off everyone (in public) and who has isolated us from our supports by limiting or preventing contact or else controlling the narrative so that the abuser seems for all the world to be either a ‘great guy’ or the victim!
Most trauma-informed workers SHOULD be aware of this (unfortunately) very common dynamic in many DV situations but sadly only lived experience can truly allow one to understand it and to recognise it (and its impact) in the field.
Unfortunately there is a lack of lived experience amongst DV sector ‘experts’ and also a lack of consultation & collaboration with victims (despite the pretty words about the need for both in sector ‘best practice’ literature) and it would seem that some so-called ‘experts’ are far from immune to the tactics used.by an intelligent and ‘charming’ abuser to ‘game’ the system to cause maximum harm to the victim with no or minimal consequence (to the abuser) and get the most kicks or thrills in the process. DV Supports fail their victim clients when they fail to consider just how far an abuser will go to hurt their victim’s efforts to be free & safe and to get justice.
For example: “I questioned how he got bail again immediately after again breaching AVO to call and harass me the minute he got bailed the day after he’d breached it (for the 5th or 6th time) to bash me and strangle me and I literally had a Womens Court Advocacy Service worker chastise me based on a lie that my abuser told the court to justify ‘needing’ to call! I was speechless with shock. And despair I guess.I just froze. I was like - holy sh&t! He can control anything… no one is on my side. Not even when it’s their JOB! - It took a while to recover from that betrayal but she probably never. gave it a second’s thought.” (DV Victim, survivor)
We at advoc8survivors are ACTUALLY trauma informed and our lived experience and commitment to women victims of domestic violence means WE ARE ALWAYS ON YOUR SIDE and we will always advocate FOR you.
💚💃🏻👯🧚♀️🦋 💚
** excellent other trusted advocates that we can recommend are the faith-based charities like the Salvos, St Vincent de Paul and our personal fave: Wesley mission.
You don’t need to be Christian, they will not ‘God bother’ you AT ALL they will simply get on with the business of helping you
effectively & supporting you based on your needs.
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